Date(s) - 24/03/2016
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre (MRC), Seminar Room A & B
Title: The politics of high-dimensional inference
Though opinions on the value of large-scale, high-dimensional data modelling in medicine vary, there is a consensus that it is a luxury, to be pursued with no more urgency or vigour than would seem decent for an indulgence of any kind. Drawing on a clinical dataset of unprecedented size within the field of stroke – one of the major diseases of our time – here I show, to the contrary, that to forego such an approach is radically to fail to engage with biology at the level of complexity it naturally demands. I argue that such demonstrations are crucial to catalyzing the cultural change on which progress in the field primarily depends.
SGCP Centre Seminar Rooms A&B, 1pm-2pm, Thursday 24th March