Dr Amos Folarin
Senior Software Development Group Leader
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Amos Folarin is the Senior Software Development Group Leader at King’s College London – National Institute for Health Research Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (jointly funded NIHR BRC-MH and UCL IHI/UCLH BRC). His background is in biochemistry/molecular biology (Bristol). He moved into the computational biology field and has since worked as a data scientist/software developer over the last 16 years (Inpharmatica, Birkbeck, University College London, King’s College London South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust – KCL/SLaM). Amos joined the NIHR BRC-MH Bioinformatics group in 2012 as the Software Developer Group Lead with a goal of creating an embedded software development team to drive strategic projects for the BRC-MH and SLaM. Amos is currently working on developing the RADAR-base data collection platform for remote monitoring using wearable devices, mobile phone sensors, and mobile apps. Other projects of interest include monitoring seasonal infectious diseases, deep-learning image analysis pipelines for high-content screening.
Mobile Health (mHealth); clinical Informatics; bioinformatics and genetics.
- The usability of daytime and night-time heart rate dynamics as digital biomarkers of depression severity
- Long-term participant retention and engagement patterns in an app and wearable-based multinational remote digital depression study
- The Feasibility of Implementing Remote Measurement Technologies in Psychological Treatment for Depression: Mixed Methods Study on Engagement
- Autonomic response to walk tests is useful for assessing outcome measures in people with multiple sclerosis
- ADHD Remote Technology study of cardiometabolic risk factors and medication adherence (ART‑CARMA): a multi‑centre prospective cohort study protocol